very nice stuff here but...
with the effort you have put in to this you could have made something much cooler
very nice stuff here but...
with the effort you have put in to this you could have made something much cooler
I understand that a lot of people arent into my cute stories, but I cant seem to make anything but them.
lol k
So this dude before me, he's a fucking moron because...
If this reminds him of ren and stimpy and it does, he is suppose to know that it doesn't make any sense at all...
i like it :)
kick his ass d00d
the game sucks, even if you click when there is no fish it says you've caught a fish
OMG REALLY!? Woa, I agree that this submission diserves a 0 just because of that! What about the rest? Not even a 1 eh? Well sir, you suck.
great voiceacting
Thank you!
fucking awesome
you couls be on tv o_o
That would be freakin' awesome! Thanks!
hmm i thought the slow voice was annoying, cut the slow heavy voice and it'lle be aight
I peins dat ik tegen u nederlands kan praten? I besef heel goed dat de stemmen niet de beste zijn, maar het waren de beste die ik voor het moment kon krijgen. Ik werk ook met een micro van 2 euro, en dat komt de kwaliteit ook niet echt ten goede. én ik ben slechts vijftien jaar, net zoals alle andere mensen die de stemmen hebben ingesproken, dus er zal al wel eens iets onvolwassener klinkend tussenzitten... Bedankt voor de tien btw
Let's call this piece: you fucking suck at life
Let's call you: My batting average is higher than yours so go screw yourself.
first why do people steal ideas from someone else, and second you suck at solid sticks compared 2 the one you stole the idea of...
So.... There are also like 100 madness movies.... 100 poninja movies... And i am the only one who makes solid sticks (apart fro mthat other guy) SO WFT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?
flash animator, am i, not you but me, im stupid and i can't see Ps. im not a cheerleader..
Age 37, Male
Joined on 7/5/02